It's hard to say, but world is facing an uphill battle against Covid-19. Meanwhile the all the business's whether it is a wide business firm or small retail, all are suffering and the situation is getting worst day by day, meanwhile arrival of blockchain technology is really a positive news for the world, and the way small financial firms are taking their responsibilities and doing best to provide the best through blockchain technology to the users are really a commendable job.

A blockchain-powered online bid opening system has also been introduced by this financial entity, in China's Gansu Province, this financial consortium's blockchain technology provides tamper proof of bid opening content and processes, ensuring that contactless bidding Can also be transparent and reliable.

According to a forecast by market research firm International Data Corporation (IDC), China's enterprise blockchain spending will reach US $ 2 billion in 2023, as the country emphasizes blockchain development to solve real-life problems. The banking sector topped blockchain spending in China, while other sectors including manufacturing, retail, professional services and process manufacturing are also preparing to deploy new technology.

In recent weeks, many Chinese companies and institutions have leveraged blockchain technology to deal with COVID-19.

There are some  advantages of blockchain  technology such as :- it reduce the risk of infection from face-to-face contact, because it has the platform which able to process transactions without human involvement.

Blockchain technology that enables users to discover the demand and the supply chains of medical supplies. This added the recording and tracking of epidemic prevention materials, like: masks, gloves and other protective materials.

Meanwhile in this situation shortage of facial masks has been one of the biggest challenges in the worldwide so far, According to the NDRC report, the daily production of masks is not sufficient for the users, there are very high demand of masks and the production is not able to fulfill the daily criteria.

The gap between supply and demand like this has led to a sharp rise in fake production, with more than 1000 arrests and millions of  fake face masks already seized. Yes it is probably too late to apply the major changes, the COVID-19 has proven that the medical supply chain remains an area with a legel need for blockchain provenance solutions.

Around the world, constant progress is being made to growth the connectivity of health care base. Last year food and drug administration of U. S approved a multi stage pilot in two states of U. S to use blockchain technology to track drug shipments. The goal of this pilot was to improve supply chain monitoring and quality control, providing data and recall management.

China is doing a great job in controlling COVID-19, and also the rest of the world is finding the antidote of COVID-19 Virus. apandemic so far Is avoiding and The feedback from the World Health Organization has also been exceptional but there is a need for private sector support, particularly in three areas:

 Keep the supply chains and logistics open so that vaccines, drugs and masks are available to cope with the increasing demand.
 To provide reliable information to employees. Firms should be as honest, transparent and informed as possible.
 Engagement in acute research in distinct areas of health. This added  public health research, clinical trials and prevention and the development of new  vaccines and drugs, therapeutics and medicines for patients who are already contracted COVID-19.

It is necessary to  prepare to reduce further outbreaks, especially in countries with struggling or undernourished health systems. We should work closely in support of  vaccines and drugs to these countries and we should not leave anyone behind. Why? Due to enlightened self-interest in preventing and spreading prevalent infections, but also to take an fare approach approach to the world health.