Sometimes change is so vast and chaotic that it becomes difficult to tell disaster by chance.

From small startups to large companies, no one has increased the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic. The worldwide crisis has shut down almost entire industries and forced companies of all sizes to adapt and grow. A silver lining may be that organizations are forced to accelerate their use of technology to make the lives of employees and customers easier and better.

Technology can help all types of businesses that are not ready for an increasingly digital future, not all changes are completely dependent on technology right now.

Here are a few points because of COVID-19 that point to a major change in businesses.

Mattel Toys Respect Essential Worker

In the days of COVID-19, Essential Worker is a new type of superhero. A new line of Fisher-Price action figures was recently unveiled by Metal, which includes delivery drivers, grocery store employees, and healthcare professionals. The axis shows that Mattel understands who people are supporting and respecting these days.

Patagonia provision expands to include more shelf-stable items

Outdoor clothing retailer Patagonia's line of shelf-stable food items is designed to fuel customers on their outdoor adventures. But the company recently expanded Patagonia Provisions, which includes an entire market for other companies' food - all with long shelf lives. From coconut oil to coffee, the new market hopes to provide long-lasting food and sustain the global food supply chain.

GM self-driving cars deliver food

Cruise, General Motors' autonomous car division, recently brought its self-driving cars out of inactivity to deliver food to two local food banks around San Francisco. Under current rules, self-driving cars are considered non-essential and are not allowed to run on roads. Helping organizations free Food Bank employees to better serve customers and allow cruise cars to stay on the roads.

Retailers pivot curbside pickup

The brands have offered curbside pickup for online and phone orders, with customers stopping to enter a large number of stores. Several retailers, including DSW, Dick's Sporting Goods, Michaels, and Best Buy, have quickly set out to build pick stations outside stores, which allow employees to distribute items without coming in contact with customers. Curbside Pickup provides work for employees and ensures that customers can get the goods they need.

All these points mentioned above reflect the change in business due to Covid-19. Just as all the small and big business companies have shifted their business from their mainstream to a new turn in this period, because of the need of people, the big change that we are seeing in businesses today will surely give the new direction to trade and the global economy in future. there is a possibility of a big change in people's living and mental status After the Covid-19, so such a big transformation of business will surely write a new chapter. And in the coming time, we will be able to overcome the damage caused by this epidemic.